Did you know there are other school districts across our nation named Mitchell County Schools? It has come to our attention that sometimes the information posted on social media pages associated with these districts can be confused with our district. Just look at the account information (and purple!) to make sure you are on the correct page.
about 19 hours ago, Jennifer Gregory
Are you interested in becoming a bus driver? Mitchell County Schools will host bus driver training next week!
7 days ago, Jennifer Gregory
Bus Driver Training
Thank you all for a great start to the school year! Just a reminder that schools wills be closed on Monday, September 2 for the Labor Day Holiday and Tuesday, September 3 for Staff Development. We look forward to seeing students again on Wednesday, September 4!
12 days ago, Jennifer Gregory
Labor Day
It has come to our attention that a photo and comments are circulating on social media regarding bus capacity. The bus capacity for elementary students is 54, 45 for middle school students, and 36 for high school students. We are contacting each bus driver to ensure that buses were not over these limits and make any necessary adjustments. There may be 3 students to a seat, but at no time will students sit on the floor of the bus. We work daily to make sure our buses are safe and efficient. If you have a concern, please don’t hesitate to contact school administration. Problems are solved much better through conversation than social media posts.
20 days ago, Jennifer Gregory
We have updated some of our bus routes. If you cannot see the images, please click the link to view the live document: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1xtsVp1WDjomla4AWr_c9mfaNhbiJBlVDtefxL36Jlfw/edit?usp=sharing
21 days ago, Shana Cook
bus route 24-25
bus route 24-25
bus route 24-25
bus route 24-25
bus route 24-25
bus route 24-25
We are so excited to partner with one of our own Mitchell Miners to bring you the best Miners merch!! Come get your own swag provided by third grade teacher and local small-business owner, Justin Hollifield (Hi-Fi Soap)!! Proceeds from each sale benefit the school.
26 days ago, Shana Cook
Mitchell miners merch
miners merch
miners merch
miners merch
miners merch
Mitchell Elementary School and Mitchell Middle School will host a Community Open House on Friday, August 16 from 5:00-7:00. Tours will be given every 30 minutes.
29 days ago, Jennifer Gregory
Open House
We had a scheduling conflict with the Mitchell Elementary and Mitchell Middle School Open House schedule for next week. The updated schedule is below. School will still begin on August 19.
about 1 month ago, Jennifer Gregory
open house
open House
Mitchell County Schools would like to thank @The Quartz Corp for their work to move our staff into Mitchell Elementary and Mitchell Middle School today. Quartz sent over 100 employees to load all classroom materials from Deyton, Bowman, and Harris, drive them in U Hauls and tractor trailers to the new school, and unload them into the classrooms. Quartz also provided lunch and shirts for staff. This was a day that truly was an example of "community" and a corporation giving back to their community. What a great day it was for Mitchell County Schools and Quartz Corp! Thank you so much!
about 1 month ago, Jennifer Gregory
move in 1
move in 2
move in 3
move in 4
move in 5
move in 6
move in 7
move in 8
move in 10
move in 9
Mitchell Middle School Supply List
about 1 month ago, Jennifer Gregory
supply List
supply list
supply list
Do you have the Mitchell County Schools App? Download it now for easy access to Back to School Information! School Start Times and End Times, Open House Schedule, the First Week of School Schedule, and Supply Lists are posted in the " Documents" folder under "2024 Back to School."
about 1 month ago, Jennifer Gregory
Mitchell Middle School Students! Boys Soccer Tryouts: Monday, August 5 & Tuesday August 6- Harris Middle School Football Field- 6:30pm-8:00pm Girls Volleyball Tryouts: Monday, August 5- Harris Middle School Gym-10:30am-12:00pm Tryouts are open to 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students.You must have a current physical on file to tryout.
about 1 month ago, Jennifer Gregory
Fall Sports
If you are interested in being a substitute teacher for Mitchell County Schools, please see the training dates below!
about 1 month ago, Jennifer Gregory
Sub Training
Free Breakfast & Lunch for 2024-25 school year!!
about 1 month ago, Heather Calhoun
We are excited about the upcoming school year and the changes and opportunities that it will bring for our students. As usual, kindergarten will have a staggered entry based on last name to help them become acclimated to school. Also, we will have a staggered entry based on grade level for Mitchell Elementary and Mitchell Middle this year. We hope this will be better for students to become familiar with the building and parents to become familiar with drop-off/pick-up procedures. Mitchell High School and Mayland Early College will have a regular schedule for all students beginning the first day of school. The document below outlines the schedule for the first week for each school. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CzDySFquyMGgmLCd_Q1mIu4HquVYViExFVqrQLLZVvE/edit?usp=sharing
about 2 months ago, Jennifer Gregory
Back to School
Soccer Update! There will be no middle school boys and girls pickup games tonight due to rain. Any boy in 6th-8th grades that is interested in soccer, please meet Monday at the Harris field 6:30. You must have a current sports physical on file to participate.
about 2 months ago, Jennifer Gregory
Mitchell County Schools still has the following positions available for the 2024-25 school year. School Counselor- Greenlee Primary & Gouge Elementary Band Teacher 1st Grade Teacher- Greenlee Primary Please visit our website, www.mcsnc.org, for more information.
about 2 months ago, Jennifer Gregory
Now Hiring
Attention Mitchell County Schools Retired Personnel! We would like to invite all retired personnel from Mitchell County Schools to a special grand opening and ribbon cutting for Mitchell Elementary School and Mitchell Middle School. This will be held on Thursday, August 8th at 5:30pm, with dinner following the opening celebration. Please RSVP by Friday, August 2 so that we can have an accurate count for dinner to Chad Calhoun, chadcalhoun@mhslive.net, 828-766-2245 or Jennifer Gregory, jgregory@mhslive.net, 828-766-2252. We know that all retired personnel are not on social media, so please share this information with your friends and family who worked for Mitchell County Schools!
about 2 months ago, Jennifer Gregory
We have Back-to-School Nights scheduled! Please see the schedule below for the dates and times. Also, we will have a Community Open House for Mitchell Elementary and Mitchell Middle on Friday, August 16th from 5:00-7:00.
about 2 months ago, Jennifer Gregory
Open House
Are you interested in becoming a bus driver?
2 months ago, Jennifer Gregory
Bus Driver Training