Families of Mitchell Elementary 🌟 Please join us for a virtual PTO meeting to discuss exciting opportunities for the upcoming spring semester! 📅 Date: January 15, 2025 🕒 Time: 3:30 💻 Where: Zoom We can’t wait to hear your ideas and share plans to make this semester unforgettable for our students. See you soon!
about 1 month ago, Kristie B Autrey
Mitchell County Schools will dismiss one-hour early today, Friday, December 20. We have been monitoring the weather throughout the day and anticipate snow arriving by 4:00pm this afternoon. We want to make sure all students are home safely. We hope you and your family have a wonderful holiday and look forward to seeing students again on January 2.
about 2 months ago, Jennifer Gregory
A heartfelt thank you to Mrs. Felicia Swanson and her incredible team at Paper Pie Books for their generous donation of brand-new activity books, chapter books, and non-fiction treasures for our students. Your kindness and support mean the world to us, and our students are absolutely thrilled to dive into these exciting new reading materials. Your generosity is truly making a difference!
about 2 months ago, Nell English
students enjoying books
students enjoying books
students enjoying books
students enjoying books
students enjoying books
students enjoying books
students enjoying books
students enjoying books
students enjoying books
students enjoying books
School Calendar for Week of November 11th, 2024 Monday- Veterans Day Holiday- No School Tuesday-Friday - One Hour Delay
3 months ago, Jennifer Gregory
Veterans Day
If your child needs a Halloween costume, we have some available tomorrow at Mitchell High School!
4 months ago, Jennifer Gregory
Halloween Costumes
Mitchell County Schools "Mountaineer Strong" T-shirt pre-order pickups will be available starting Saturday, October 26 at the Mitchell High School Football Game. You will also be able to purchase a t-shirt via cash or Paypal during this time. The cost is $25.00. All proceeds go to support MCS students. On Tuesday, October 29 and Wednesday, October 30 we will also have another pickup/t-shirt sale from 11:00-12:30 at Mitchell County Schools Board of Education Office. We do have the ability to ship these items as well for the cost of shipping. If you have questions, please email thughes@mhslive.net Paypal Links: Payment Link for Pick-up (without shipping) - https://www.paypal.com/ncp/payment/S9R7VCJDZH9H2 Payment Link with shipping - https://www.paypal.com/ncp/payment/6GMZR4GEF5FZ8
4 months ago, Jennifer Gregory
T shirt Sale
We are so excited for Trunk or Treat on October 31!
4 months ago, Jennifer Gregory
Trunk or Treat
On Tuesday, October 15th, Troyers and Friends will be providing breakfast at 8:00 AM, lunch at 12:00 PM, and supper at 5:00 PM at the new Mitchell Elementary/Middle School. They will not be able to take call-ahead orders, as this will be first-come, first-served. They successfully served nearly 850 plates tonight, so try to arrive as close to the allotted times as possible. Also, please enter off of 226, circling around the front of the building and continuing to the back of the building for pickup. They will continue serving until the food runs out. The cooking is delicious, and we hope you stop by and enjoy!
4 months ago, Shana Cook
We urge you to follow the Mitchell County NC Government and Michell County Emergency Management pages. We will try to share community updates when possible, but like everyone else, we don't have cell service unless we go outside the area.
5 months ago, Jennifer Gregory
flood info
Mitchell County Schools will be Closed tomorrow, Thursday Sept 26th and Friday, Sept 27th due the severe rain and wind event predicted to hit our area. We are forecasted to receive up to 15+ inches of rainfall and sustained winds of 50 mph+. Rainfall is predicted to become heavy after midnight tonight. Please stay safe and monitor this weather event!
5 months ago, Jennifer Gregory
The Mitchell High School football game has been rescheduled from Friday until tomorrow night at 7:00pm. At this time, our school schedule will remain as planned, with a 2 hour early release day on Friday. We will continue monitor the weather and will keep you informed if changes are needed in the schedule later in the week.
5 months ago, Jennifer Gregory
Just a reminder that next Friday is an Early Release Day!
5 months ago, Jennifer Gregory
Early Release Day
Next week, September 23-27, is School Bus Ridership Week across school districts in North Carolina. The funding that we get for transportation is dependent on the number of students who ride a school bus during this week. Even if your child rides the bus occasionally, we ask that they please ride at least one day next week.
5 months ago, Jennifer Gregory
Bus Ridership Week
Are you interested in becoming a bus driver? Mitchell County Schools will host bus driver training next week!
6 months ago, Jennifer Gregory
Bus Driver Training
Thank you all for a great start to the school year! Just a reminder that schools wills be closed on Monday, September 2 for the Labor Day Holiday and Tuesday, September 3 for Staff Development. We look forward to seeing students again on Wednesday, September 4!
6 months ago, Jennifer Gregory
Labor Day
We have updated some of our bus routes. If you cannot see the images, please click the link to view the live document: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1xtsVp1WDjomla4AWr_c9mfaNhbiJBlVDtefxL36Jlfw/edit?usp=sharing
6 months ago, Shana Cook
bus route 24-25
bus route 24-25
bus route 24-25
bus route 24-25
bus route 24-25
bus route 24-25
Tomorrow will be our first day for all 3rd-8th graders! Please remember the drop-off window is 7:15-7:55 and pick-up is 2:45-3:05. We have seen this week that those who arrive later in the window are not waiting in line and driving through quickly! Thank you for your patience as we work to make drop-off and pick-up as safe and efficient as possible.
6 months ago, Jennifer Gregory
We are so excited to partner with one of our own Mitchell Miners to bring you the best Miners merch!! Come get your own swag provided by third grade teacher and local small-business owner, Justin Hollifield (Hi-Fi Soap)!! Proceeds from each sale benefit the school.
6 months ago, Shana Cook
Mitchell miners merch
miners merch
miners merch
miners merch
miners merch
Mitchell Elementary School and Mitchell Middle School will host a Community Open House on Friday, August 16 from 5:00-7:00. Tours will be given every 30 minutes.
6 months ago, Jennifer Gregory
Open House
Mitchell County Schools would like to thank @The Quartz Corp for their work to move our staff into Mitchell Elementary and Mitchell Middle School today. Quartz sent over 100 employees to load all classroom materials from Deyton, Bowman, and Harris, drive them in U Hauls and tractor trailers to the new school, and unload them into the classrooms. Quartz also provided lunch and shirts for staff. This was a day that truly was an example of "community" and a corporation giving back to their community. What a great day it was for Mitchell County Schools and Quartz Corp! Thank you so much!
7 months ago, Jennifer Gregory
move in 1
move in 2
move in 3
move in 4
move in 5
move in 6
move in 7
move in 8
move in 10
move in 9