Mitchell County Schools will be on a 2 Hour Delay, tomorrow, Monday, January 8th. This is due to some scattered black ice throughout the county and more snow showers predicted overnight. Roads will be checked again in the morning and a decision made before 7:30, if necessary.
4 months ago, Jennifer Gregory
Happy New Year! You still have time to pre-order a yearbook for the 2023-2024 school year! MHS Yearbook $85 The last day to pre-order is 2/23. You can also purchase online at the link below. Could be a great Christmas gift!
5 months ago, Allison Ollis
Mitchell County Schools- January Calendar Reminders
5 months ago, Jennifer Gregory
Jan Calendar
MHS Yearbook $85 The last day to pre-order is 2/23. You can also purchase online at the link below. Could be a great Christmas gift!
5 months ago, Allison Ollis
Dear Mitchell High School Community, As the first semester draws to a close, I reflect on the incredible journey we've shared so far. And what a journey it has been! From bustling classrooms to spirited athletic events, from vibrant performances to moments of quiet reflection, each day has brought with it a fresh reminder of the strength and warmth that permeates our school community. But this strength wouldn't be possible without you, the dedicated individuals who make Mitchell High School more than just a place of learning, but a true heart for our town. Every volunteer hour, every donation, every word of encouragement – it all adds up to a tide of support that lifts our students higher and propels them toward their goals. I see it in the beaming faces of our students daily, their confidence fuelled by the knowledge that their families and neighbors are cheering them on. I hear it in the enthusiastic roar of the bleachers during Friday night games, a testament to the unwavering spirit of our community. And I feel it in the quiet acts of kindness that weave their way through our hallways, each one a tiny thread in the tapestry of compassion that binds us together. So, from the bottom of my heart, thank you. Thank you for believing in our students, in our teachers, and in the power of education. Thank you for being the wind beneath our wings, the steady hand that guides, and the chorus of voices that celebrates every victory. As we enter the new year, I do so with immense hope and optimism, knowing that with your unwavering support, we can achieve anything we set our minds to. Together, we are more than just a school; we are a family, a village, a beacon of learning and light in our community. We are OneMountaineer! With deep gratitude, Cole Chester Principal, Mitchell High School
5 months ago, Cole Chester
Good Afternoon, Tomorrow will be an early release day for Mitchell County Schools. Students who need to complete testing will be released at 1:00 tomorrow. Thank you all for a wonderful first semester. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year.
5 months ago, Cole Chester
Mitchell County Schools will be on a regular schedule with an early dismissal tomorrow, December 20.
5 months ago, Jennifer Gregory
early dismissal
Mitchell County Schools will be on a regular schedule tomorrow, Wednesday, December 20, with an early dismissal.
5 months ago, Jennifer Gregory
Early Dismissal
Mitchell County Schools will be closed tomorrow, Tuesday, December 19. It will be a Schedule 2 Workday for staff.
5 months ago, Jennifer Gregory
winter weather
Mitchell High School FFA members annual Christmas party was held on Friday, December 15th. Mr. Chad Huggins, CTE teacher and FFA Advisor, and student FFA members enjoyed a meal, gifts, and the FFA Officers presentation with their officer station emblems. Mitchell FFA would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
5 months ago, Denise Murphy
Updated: Weekly Update
5 months ago, Susan Hawkins
UPDATED Weekly Update
Mitchell County Schools will be closed tomorrow, Monday, December 11th. This will be a Schedule 2 Workday for Staff. (Schedule 2 means staff may arrive 2 hours later than normal.) Staff, please be aware of the black ice threat in the morning until around 10am. This will not be a remote learning day for students.
5 months ago, Jennifer Gregory
5 months ago, Susan Hawkins
Weekly Update
We are ready for Christmas Break at MHS! Ugly Sweater Day!
5 months ago, Cole Chester
MHS STAFF and students
Due to some roads that are still wet and the potential for refreezing overnight, Mitchell County Schools will operate on a 2 hour delay on Thursday, December 7.
6 months ago, Jennifer Gregory
Due to some roads that are still wet and the potential for refreezing overnight, Mitchell County Schools will operate on a 2 hour delay on Thursday, December 7.
6 months ago, Jennifer Gregory
**Tardy MakeUps are still going on before and after school. Please see Ms. Jenn or Dr. Sue for more details. **Absence Appeal Forms are in the office and available on the Weekly Update. Please take care of these issues before the semester ends.
6 months ago, Susan Hawkins
6 months ago, Susan Hawkins
Weekly Update
MHS Class of 2024 Parents, today is the last day to submit for a senior ad to go in this year's yearbook. Pictures, payment, and what you want the ad to say need to be submitted. Parents can email the images, what you want it to say, and the ad size to Parents can send cash or make a check to MHS Yearbook (in memo say senior ad) and send it by your student, mail it to MHS, or drop it off in the office. Thank you!
6 months ago, Allison Ollis
Senior Ads
In preparation for the cold and snowy season, we want to remind everyone about our free MCS app. When we make weather calls, we will also post the same message on the website, social media, and the app at the same time. Make sure you have notifications turned on for the app!
6 months ago, Shana Cook
QR code for app download